Wan Abdul Manan bin Wan Muda was born in Kuala Terengganu in1953. He had his primary education in Sekolah Kebangsaan Pasir Panjang dan Sekolah Pusat Bukit Besar and his secondary education till form five in Sekolah Tengku Bariah, Kuala Terengganu. He later went to sixth form for his Higher School Certificate in Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman (STAR), Ipoh, Perak. In 1974 Wan Manan further his study in Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota, United States, and obtained his baccalaureate degree in nutrition and dietetics in 1977. He went for graduate studies in Clinical Nutrition in Rush Universty, Chicago, Illinois and received his Master of Science degree in 1979. He then worked as a dietitian at the Rush-Prebysterian-St.Luke Medical Center , Chicago for a short period before embarking to New York City in December 1979 where he enrolled in Columbia University. In Columbia University, Wan Manan received a master degree in Community Nutrition and Nutrition Education in 1981 and completed his doctoral degree in Nutrition and Public Health in 1983. Wan Manan continued to conduct post-doctoral research with the WIC (Women, Infant and Children) Program and the Mississippi Board of Health until the middle of 1984. He also has a postgraduate certificate in Global Nutrition from Uppsala University in 2002.
Wan Manan became a member of Universiti Sains Malaysia in 1979 when he was offered the Academic Staff Training Scheme after he received his M.Sc. He started work as a fulltime lecturer in July 1984 with the School of Medical Sciences until 2000 when he moved to start the School of Health Sciences and at the same time helped to establish the Dietetic Program.
He was appointed as an Associate Professor in 1994.
Wan Manan taught courses in nutrition, public health, epidemiology dan community studies, while his research expertise and interest covered human nutrition, malnutrition, obesity, public health, quality of life and issues on higher education. He has supervised and graduated many postgraduate students in the past years in the field of nutrition and public health. Apart from teaching and research, Wan Manan is also actively involved in professional societies and non-governmental organizations. Currently he is the Chairman of the Malaysian Academic Movement (MOVE) and the President of the Unversiti Sains Malaysia Academic and Administrative Staff Association (PKAPUSM).
Wan Manan has received various award for his work which include, the National Science Research and Advancement (MPKSN) Grant Award in 1985, Asia Leadership Fellow Award from the International House of Japan and the Japan Foundation, Tokyo in 1996, accredited as an anthropometrist at the level of Instructor by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK) in 2001, appointed as Fellow of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia in 2002, awarded as a fellow of the Global Nutrition Program, Uppsala University, Sweden in 2002, and awarded as a Senior Fellow of the Asian Public Intellectual Fellowship by the Nippon Foundation for 2004-2005.
Wan Manan was appointed as a Professor of Nutrition and Public Health by the Universiti Sains Malaysia in 2003.
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